#11 Yi-Hsin Liu

Interfacial Growth of Mesoporous Materials for Biomarker Sensing

Yi-Hsin Liu

Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan



Mesoporous materials functionalized with plasmonic and graphene-analogous can be employed as optical and electrical sensors to detect drugs and biomarkers. Here we develop a new synthetic approach to grow mesoporous zeolite nanoparticles and thin films having intrinsic high surface area (>800 m2/g) and tunable pore size (5-10 nm). The thermal-stable zeolite materials can serve as excellent hard templates for growing and confining various plasmonic and semiconductor nanoparticles (Au, Ag, Ag2S) of defined sizes (< 10 nm). Additionally, graphene oxides (GOs) are also chemically synthesized via a CVD process to enhance electrical properties. Structural and optical characterizations (HRTEM, XRD, GISAXS, BET, Raman, PL, XPS) are used to confirm size information, mesoporosity and more material properties. Various applications, including SERS and CV for biomarker sensing down to 10-9 nM, integrated to microneedle and microfluidic devices are currently under development for sensing of important biomarkers, such as dopamine and its derivatives.

Short Bio

[Dr. Liu received his PhD degree in Chemistry from Washington University (St. Louis, MO, USA). Currently, his researches mainly focus on the synthesis and characterizations of mesoporous and semiconductor materials with unique optical, electrical, magnetic and spintronic properties. Current research covers board topics of nano-material applications, including surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), CO2 reduction reactions (CO2RR), diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) in fundamental aspects.]